Astral Travel

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“From the astral world we come at birth, and there we shall return at death. Someone asked me why we should try to connect with the astral world now. To this I reply, “Because that is where you will realize the freedom of your true nature. You were there as a soul cloaked in an astral form to start with; and because you are not there now and have lost that memory is why all your misery persists.” By entering that other world, we learn the causes and healing of all suffering and diseases. We discover the secret of our existence — what happens after death, and where we were before birth, and how to live in the material world without losing our divine connection”

                                                            ~ Paramahansa Yogananda

Astral projection (or astral travel) is a spiritual interpretation of the out of body experience. Astral Projection is a very common occurrence. Five to ten percent of the world’s population has experienced a conscious out of body experience at least once. How would you know if it has happened to you?

Classically, the Astral Body is described as an intermediate body of light linking the rational soul to the physical body, while the astral plane is an intermediate world of light between Heaven and Earth. Astral projection or travel signifies the astral body leaving the physical to travel the astral plane.

It’s interesting to note that widespread accounts of ‘Astral Travel’ are documented in religious texts worldwide. Commonly the texts describe the experience of ‘spiritual/astral travel’ as the ‘soul’s journey or ‘ascent’ into the higher realms.

For many of those who practice conscious Astral Projection, the experience, from the first instance, validates and reinforces the understanding that life after the death of the physical body — is a reality. All describe the experience of finding themselves outside their physical bodies, totally aware and present, able to see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Given that this is how all people who’ve experienced a spontaneous OBE or a conscious astral projection describe the world encountered in the Astral, it is impossible to dismiss the premise that life in the physical is just a moment’s journey away from our source of origin — our spiritual home.

The benefits of practicing conscious astral traveling and out of body investigation are immeasurable as it spreads beyond the boundaries of the physical and rational. A great many people experience a profound shift and an inner blooming of their spiritual being, their perspective of themselves as spiritual and physical beings undergoes a transformation.

Join us as author Jozef Simkovic discusses his new book How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny.

Are you looking for a brand new kind of book club?

We think we have something you’ll enjoy. Instead of all reading the same book and then discussing, you get to do it your way … Read a book or an article, listen to a podcast or an interview, watch a documentary, or just bring your experiences or opinions and we will then discuss. Clearly, it is “not your Mama’s book club.” We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Boardroom. 

This month we will be meeting on Tuesday, June 4th at 2 p.m. in the Boardroom.

This month our topic is: Life Between Lives with Dr. Ann Clark

We hope to see you Tuesday, June 4th at 2pm!

Check out these titles:

How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny by Jozef Simkovic

A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics by Dylan Tuccillo

e-book| Book| Downloadable Audio

Astral Dynamics: The Complete Book of Out-of-Body Experiences by Robert Bruce