A nuanced book that reads like the Kite Runner meets The Things They Carried as it draws the blurred lines between good and bad, soldier and civilian, victor and vanquished. It is April 2003. American forces have taken Baghdad and are now charged with winning hearts and minds. But this vital tipping point is barely…
The life and work of Dorothy Day—the iconic, celebrated, and controversial Catholic whom Pope Francis called a “great American”—told with illuminating detail by her granddaughter. Dorothy Day (1897-1980) was a prominent Catholic, writer, social activist, and co-founder of a movement dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor. Her life has been revealed through her…
A best practice guide for IT security. Part III.
A best practice guide for information technology: 12 essential rules for securing your digital equipment. (Translated from: Guide des Bonnes Pratiques de l’informatique. 12 règles essentielles pour sécuriser vos équipements numériques.) (www.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/2015/03/guide_cgpme_bonnes_pratiques.pdf). Version 1.1.1 – Janvier 2017 20170111-1014. Licence Ouverte/Open Licence (Etalab – V1). Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’information. ANSSI – 51,…

Eat More Veggies!
Do you love to eat? Love checking out cookbooks? Enjoy trying new recipes?
A best practice guide for IT security. Part II.
A best practice guide for information technology: 12 essential rules for securing your digital equipment. (Translated from: Guide des Bonnes Pratiques de l’informatique. 12 règles essentielles pour sécuriser vos équipements numériques.) (www.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/2015/03/guide_cgpme_bonnes_pratiques.pdf). Version 1.1.1 – Janvier 2017 20170111-1014. Licence Ouverte/Open Licence (Etalab – V1). Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’information. ANSSI – 51,…