Watch What you Read: Emmy’s 2021
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Watch What you Read: Emmy’s 2021

Adaptations are always fascinating. It can be amazing to see how a story is taken from its original format, in this case, books, and is then reconstructed in a whole new sphere of entertainment! It’s even more exciting when those adaptations have the chance to win their own awards. The 2021 Emmy awards will air…

Pirates in YA Titles

Pirates in YA Titles

Ahoy! Avast ye, readers, September 19th be Talk Like a Pirate Day! Along wit’ speakin’ in the pirate code, how about ye check out some o’ the titles in our Teen Department involvin’ pirates? While dead men tell no tales, these authors certainly deliver tales any pirate be sure to enjoy. Savvy? All the Stars…

Take a Breath: Yoga Programs and Reading Recommendations
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Take a Breath: Yoga Programs and Reading Recommendations

September can be a hectic time, especially this year. It’s important to remember to take time for yourself to relax, be mindful, and stay active. Yoga incorporates all three of these important actions! If you’re interested in trying yoga out, Homewood Public Library offers both a Virtual Yoga Program with Jackie Tally every Monday at…

Titles to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
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Titles to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15th marks the first day of National Hispanic Heritage Month! Check out some of our titles written by Latinx authors to celebrate the wide array of cultures that make up the Hispanic and Latinx identity. Classics by Latinx Authors Ficciones “The seventeen pieces in Ficciones demonstrate the whirlwind of Borges’s genius and mirror the precision and…

September News for You from Library Land
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September News for You from Library Land

So, your Jefferson County Library Staff recently participated in our annual staff day. During this go-round, our presenters were focused on stress management and self-care. And while the topics were geared toward team building and avoiding burnout, as I listened, I was reminded that we are largely in control of how our bodies respond and…