Michéa, Einstein, Humanism
by Edward Eggleston
by Edward Eggleston
“Nos preguntamos cada vez más si lo que la gente aprende es realmente relevante para sus vidas, si lo que aprenden ayuda a asegurar la supervivencia de nuestro planeta. La educación para el desarrollo sostenible puede brindar los conocimientos, la conciencia y las acciones que empoderan a las personas para transformarse a sí mismas y transformar las sociedades.”
(Stefania Giannini)
“ ‘The Arctic is showing more extreme indications of climate change,’ said Gil Bohrer, a professor and environmental engineer at Ohio State University in Columbus. Sea ice is shrinking, rainfall and snowfall are changing, and Arctic tundra is turning green in some places and brown in others.” (Bates)
“There is a very real sense in which certain crudities in the Americans are not so much a part of American crudity as actually a part of American culture. They are not mere outbreaks of human nature; they are something systematically impressed upon human nature.” (Chesterton)
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