El aporte de la inteligencia artificial … a las sociedades del conocimiento / Derecho a la Igualdad (UNESCO)

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“Hay muchos motivos para ser precavidos y no confiar tanto en los algoritmos como árbitros finales de las decisiones, ya que, en el mejor de los casos, solo proporcionan perspectivas útiles. Cualquier reclamo de justicia de los algoritmos debe calificarse por el hecho de que el proceso de toma de decisiones algorítmica tiene dos elementos clave: i) programadores humanos que toman decisiones críticas para enmarcar el problema y la validez del resultado, y ii) datos que pueden representar sesgos históricos, tergiversar grupos o no representarlos en absoluto.” (UNESCO)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Beata Beatrix (Rebecca Jeffrey Easby)

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“Beata Beatrix is one of many portraits of beautiful women painted by Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the last two decades of his life. During this time, Rossetti created many pictures of his favorite models luxuriously dressed in Renaissance-looking costumes and jewelry, often without the story or content associated with his earlier paintings, such as Ecce Ancilla Domini.” (R. J. Easby)

Disability Awareness / Dravet Syndrome Awareness Day, June 23

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“Disability inclusion is an essential condition to upholding human rights, sustainable development, and peace and security. It is also central to the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to leave no one behind. The commitment to realizing the rights of persons with disabilities is not only a matter of justice; it is an investment in a common future.” (UN)

Recensão. Estado de Crise, de Z. Bauman e C. Bordoni

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“ ‘Como é que sabe que estamos a sair da modernidade? Como poderia alguém saber isso, uma vez que coisas assim– começos e fins – não são conhe­cíveis pelos contemporâneos, pelas pessoas que as vivem? ‘ (p. 97) – ques­tiona Bauman de forma cristalina para enquadrar o seu entendimento quanto ao estatuto atual da modernidade.” ( P. André)

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