Jane Austen Regency Ball
Jane Austen died in 1817, when she was just 41. But in her short life, she exerted more of a lasting influence on British literature and culture than many of her peers who lived twice as long.
Jane Austen died in 1817, when she was just 41. But in her short life, she exerted more of a lasting influence on British literature and culture than many of her peers who lived twice as long.
From the Desk of Leslie West, Adult Services Librarian
These remarks further explore ideas noted in “A sketch for a public library model, part 1”.
Part 1: a discussion of key educational ideas.
“I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am grateful to God for this gift, this possibility of developing myself and of writing, of expressing all that is in me.”- Anne Frank
Today, the LGBTQIA community (previously just LGBT) is more widely accepted in cinema than ever.