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Conspiracy theories: Linked to literature (Peter Knight)

“Literary plots have long been connected to conspiracy theories, which are, in essence, acts of the imagination. But these fictitious notions – often created under the guise of making sense of the world around us – can sometimes have very real, even tragic, consequences on our lives, the author explains.”

Anna Atkins and the cyanotype process (E. Krasnopoler)
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Anna Atkins and the cyanotype process (E. Krasnopoler)

“We are looking at a white-ish blue, organically-shaped form radiating from a central point, and surrounded by a rich, flat cyan-blue tone. Little here gives a clue as to what this is—Is it a drawing? A plant? A print?—but a small cursive label at the bottom offers our first clue, Dityota atomaria. This Latin name for a species of algae suggests a scientific origin—perhaps that this is a botanical specimen.” (E. Krasnopoler)