Short Reads for the Shortest Day of the Year
December 21, 2020 is the shortest day of the year.
December 21, 2020 is the shortest day of the year.
“En todas partes dicen a la ciudadanía que sus derechos están garantizados. No obstante, en realidad la Carta del Pueblo ha sido destripada por la Carta de los oligarcas.” (Kuhner)
Bill nye’s great big world of science by Nye, Bill. Science educator, TV host, and New York Times–bestselling author Bill Nye is on a mission to help kids understand and appreciate the science that makes our world work. Featuring a range of subjects—physics, chemistry, geology, biology, astronomy, global warming, and more—this profusely illustrated book covers the basic…
“Toda sociedad tiene sus reglas sobre la toma de decisiones colectiva y el régimen de propiedad; y en la mayor parte de la historia, esas reglas han estado entrelazadas. La aristocracia, el esclavismo, el feudalismo y la servidumbre asalariada han mostrado cómo la posición de las personas en el régimen político puede verse afectada, si no determinada, por su posición en el régimen de propiedad. Lamentablemente, la política ha seguido a la propiedad.” (Kuhner)
The holidays are going to look different this year, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up all of our favorite traditions. recently posted this very informative article with innovative ways to safely participate in a cookie exchange. Now the only question is…. what recipes will you use? The titles below are available…
“In the last of these great sonatas, in A major (K. 526) – thus completed during the composition of “Don Giovanni” – Mozart perfected a balance of styles in the piano and violin sonata.”