Five by Five by Five: Day 1
Five readalikes for five popular books over five days
Five readalikes for five popular books over five days
by Walter Pater
Join us for an online reading challenge that is all about discovering diverse titles! Starting September 1, log your books and earn badges for a chance to win diverse book bundles and prizes. Open to all ages, register at This week, our suggested reading list spotlights characters and stories centered around Immigrants voices. We…
“News agencies are rarely in the public eye. Yet they are one of the most influential and at the same time one of the least known media types. They are key institutions of substantial importance to any media system… ” (Wolfgang Vyslozil)
Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the plot takes place in a setting located in the past. The main thing about historical fiction is that it is set in the past and focuses on all kinds of details of the related to that point in time. Historical fiction authors like to explore notable historical figures in…
“When a man of Voltaire’s school has to explode a saint or a great religious hero, he says that such a person is a common human fool, or a common human fraud. But when a man like Anatole France has to explode a saint, he explains a saint as somebody belonging to his particular fussy little literary set.” (Chesterton)