Are Celebrities Real People? (MIL/Sociology on youtube)
“PlasticPills is a channel featuring critical theory and philosophical analyses of pop culture…” (From YouTube)
“PlasticPills is a channel featuring critical theory and philosophical analyses of pop culture…” (From YouTube)
“Moral economies are not neutral, given, unvarying or universal. They are contested and evolving. Each person is more than a cold calculator of rational utility. Societies aren’t just engines of prosperity. The challenge is to make non-economic norms affecting market conduct legible, to bring the moral economies amid which market economies and administrative states function into focus…” (T. Rogan)
“This thought piece calls for an interdisciplinary approach to education to prepare learners for a future world where technological skill and social science knowledge will be required in tandem. The author argues that a humanistic approach to education is sorely needed to promote self-expression and spark creative thinking for the common good.”
Set in North Carolina, Where the Crawdads Sing follows two seemingly disparate timelines. The stories of a young girl growing up in the marshland and a murder investigation in a coastal town slowly intertwine as the book progresses. One of the novel’s standout characteristics is the strong sense of place. Readers feel immersed in the…
“Simply put, a market system driven by private interests never has protected and never will protect public health, essential kinds of freedom and communal wellbeing.”
“In this piece, the author highlights the human rights obligations of states to provide public education and regulate private involvement in education. She makes the argument that innovation can be incorporated into public education without having to commercialize it.”