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Assistance for homework, in more than 40 subjects …
There are over 400 sharks species in the world. Even though they have lived longer than the dinosaurs and are definitely at the top of the food chain, some species are threatened with extinction. it takes many years for them to grow up and they do not have alot of young, so it is important…
Questions addressed are often of perennial interest. For example: are the US, UK, etc. democracies?
Manga are comics or graphic novels created in Japan or by creators in the Japanese language. The word “manga” is Japanese word composed of the two kanji: “man” meaning “whimsical or impromptu” and “ga” meaning “pictures”. Manga stories are typically printed in black-and-white, however, some full-color manga does exist. A manga artist will work with assistants in a small studio and is associated with a with…
If you are looking for teen books that are geared towards guy-oriented, thrill-seeking, action-adventure content- this is the list for you. Unwind by Neal Shusterman In a world where parents can choose to have their teenagers unwound and harvested for transplants, teens must be on their best behavior, at least until their 18th birthday….
Baseball season is in full swing and we wanted to highlight some of our favorite teen baseball titles! Soar by Joan Bauer– Moving to Hillcrest, Ohio, when his adoptive father accepts a temporary job, twelve-year-old Jeremiah, a heart transplant recipient, has sixty days to find a baseball team to coach. Mexican Whiteboy by…