Series Spotlight:  The Reckoners
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Series Spotlight: The Reckoners

The Reckoners is a sci-fy/fantasy series written by YA author Brandon Sanderson. Born in Nebraska, he did not start into reading until his teacher recommended the book Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly. The Reckoners is a futuristic adventure that follows a group known as “the reckoners” who form a resistence movement against the ruling force called…

Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day
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Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day

  The opening poem of the book comments on American life of the period with overt references to drugs, drinking, and homosexuality. More notable, though, was the style of writing, which was a stream-of-consciousness, intense prose that became the hallmark of what became known as Beat poetry and writing. Both the subject matter and the…