FEBRUARY: Love Your Library Month

Raise your hand if you LOVE libraries!

Well, guess what month it is? It’s Love Your Library Month or National Library Lovers’ Month! It is a month long celebration of public, schools, and private libraries; recognizing the value of libraries and the various ways they serve!

Libraries are more than just a building with books in it! Libraries are real life magical portals that provide different passages that meet the needs and wants of its inhabitants. Public libraries help provide and assist the community at large with providing meeting room space for public forums and various groups. They offer free resource classes from computer skills for adults to SAT/ACT Prep courses for teens. Public libraries are also safe spaces for those in need and warming stations for those without.

As for the Children’s Department at Homewood Public Library, we are more than just the “book-keepers”, we are the actresses and storytellers that work hard to bring the books to life in storytime. We are the artists and creatives who loves to coat the department with every color they can find to make sure that your library shines brighter than ever, every time you walk in. We are your book guides, leading you to your next “books-tination (see what I did there); whether its to the school where kids are trained to be wizards or to the dragons who love tacos; we enjoy leading you to the places where your imagination takes you!

Now, below are some amazing ways to celebrate your library and some awesome children books about libraries and librarians!

How to Celebrate “Love Your Library Month”?

Books about Libraries/Librarians:

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