This year the Homewood Public Library’s Teen Advisory Board (TAB) has three graduating TAB members. To recognize their dedication over the last few years, we asked them what TAB means to them. Alleah joined TAB in August 2019 and has been a vital role in several TAB projects. The Homewood Star recently interviewed her for the TAB project, We Are The Dream, which was inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This project allowed local 6th-12th graders to create written or art projects based on Dr. King’s teachings. We want to thank Alleah for all her dedication to TAB over. We know you will do amazing things and we wish you all the best at Howard University!
After high school plans?
Upon graduating, I will be attending Howard University in the fall as a pre-med major in pursuit of becoming an Emergency Physician.
What you most excited about now that you have graduated?
I am most excited about starting college, learning new things, and moving to a new city.
What inspired you to initially join the Teen Advisory Board?
I initially joined TAB because I was looking for a way to volunteer and get involved in my community.
What has been your favorite part/memory of TAB?
My favorite part of TAB was definitely volunteering at the parties and events in the Children’s Department (pre-COVID), but I always enjoy being able to hang out, chat, and discuss ideas with everyone at our meetings too!
Any message you would like to leave the younger member of TAB?
I know it sounds cliche, but my advice is to dream big. Never let anyone tell you that your dreams are “too big” or unrealistic. If you work hard and stay focused, you can do anything that you put your mind to. And, always remember to help others along the way — whether it be by volunteering or mentoring someone younger than you. True success is when you can accomplish your goals while also helping others to achieve theirs as well.