
Making Peace with Your Mom by Healing the “Mother Wound”


Take a moment and think about the kind of relationship you had with your mother.

What did it look like? How did it feel? Do your thoughts drift to the good times, or do they dwell on the bad times?

Our mothers were pivotal players in our development as children and they formed the very foundation of our emotional and psychological growth. To this very day our mothers continue to influence us both through our deeply ingrained perceptions of life and through our feelings towards ourselves and other people.

But although our mothers may have tried their very best to nurture us, our relationships with them may have been laced with undercurrents of shame, guilt and obligation. In fact, we may continue to carry unresolved grief, fear, disappointment and resentment towards our mothers long into our adult lives. This deep pain is usually the result of unhealed core wounds that are passed on from generation to generation.

If you possess the Mother Wound it is vital that you learn how to treat, repair and reconcile those broken parts within you that still yearn for your mother’s love. Healing the Mother Wound within you has the potential to transform your life and improve your relationships tenfold.  Join us Tuesday, March 5th at 2pm, as Sheri Bagwell explores the ways to break free from the bonds that don’t serve and create a healthier relationship with your Mom. We hope to see you there!

 Are you looking for a brand new kind of book club?

We think we have something you’ll enjoy. Instead of all reading the same book and then discussing, you get to do it your way … Read a book or an article, listen to a podcast or an interview, watch a documentary, or just bring your experiences or opinions and we will then discuss. Clearly, it is “not your Mama’s book club.” We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Boardroom. This month we will be meeting on Tuesday, March 5, at 2 p.m. in the Boardroom. Our topic is: Making Peace With Your Mom.

Check out these titles:

Mothers Who Can’t Love: A Guide for Daughters by Susan Forward 

Book| Downloadable Audio

Making Peace With Your Mom: 8 Steps to a Healthier Mother-Daughter Relationship by H. Norman Wright

Understanding the Borderline Mother: Helping Her Children Transcend the Intense, Unpredictable, & Volatile Relationship  by Christine Ann Lawson


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