Meet Meredith!

You’ve likely seen some new faces at HPL and we’re excited to introduce you to Meredith M. in the Children’s Department! Meredith has an extensive background in working with educational organizations, including the World War II Museum. To get to know Meredith, we asked her some silly and very serious questions. She was happy to oblige our curiosity. Be sure to say hello to Meredith when you see her in the Library.

Greatest accomplishment? Being a mom to my two boys, Julian and Jack

If you could have a superpower what would it be? Teleportation

Early riser or night owl? early riser

What app is always running on your phone? NY Times Crossword app

What’s the one thing that can instantly make you feel better? Coffee

Favorite movie? Clueless

Auburn or Alabama? Neither, LSU!

Which Hogwarts House do you belong to? Hufflepuff

Food you refuse to eat? Tootsie Rolls

Favorite Homewood restaurant? Greenhouse

Any pets? One very old hound dog mutt (Penny)

Dream vacation spot? Tokyo

Favorite ice cream flavor? Rocky Road

Last book you read? When Stars Are Scattered

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Doctor, but then I realized I’m grossed out by blood

What are you looking forward to the most by working at the Homewood Library? Helping people discover new fun items

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