Meet Stephan, our newest HPL staff member!

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Stephan Robinson joins the Homewood Public Library family as our newest staff member! Stephan is working part time in our Computer Services Department. If you haven’t seen the new Computer Lab, be sure to pop in! We wanted you to get to know Stephan with some silly Q&As. Feel free to say hello when you see him in the library!

Greatest accomplishment?

-Being accepted into UAB.

If you could have a superpower what would it be?

-Teleportation because I don’t like driving.

Early riser or night owl?

-Definitely a night owl. 

What app is always running on your phone?


How did you end up in Birmingham, AL?

-I was born in New York and moved to Birmingham with my family when I was 13 years old.

Favorite movie?

-The Dark Knight because I’m a huge Batman fan.

Auburn or Alabama?

-Ehh, I’m more of a Clemson guy.

Which Hogwarts House do you belong to?

-Slytherin because I think snakes are really cool.

Celebrity crush?

-I wouldn’t call it a crush but I’ve always enjoy watching Gordan Ramsey on TV.

Any pets?

-Not currently, but I used to have a chocolate lab named Brandon when I was a kid.

Dream vacation spot?

-Anywhere that has warm weather and good food.

Favorite ice cream flavor?

-Birthday cake ice cream

Last book you read?

-The Leavers by Lisa Ko

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

-The President of the United States of America

What are you looking forward to the most by at the Homewood Library?

-I’m looking forward to getting to know everybody on the wonderful staff and helping the residents of Homewood in any way that I can.