As the Library returns to full operating hours, we’ve brought on some new team members! Meet Ursula! She works part-time in Housekeeping and is very excited to join the Homewood Library team. We thought a fun way to introduce Ursula to Homewood would be with a lighthearted interview. Learn more about Ursula and be sure to say “hello” when you see her in the Library.
Greatest accomplishment?
Becoming a homeowner.
Early riser or night owl?
What app is always running on your phone?
Gospel music.
What’s the one thing that can instantly make you feel better?
My grandchildren. I have 9 grandchildren, ranging from a 6-day old grandson to 14-year-old granddaughter.
Favorite movie?
The Wiz
Auburn or Alabama?
Actually, a Florida Gator!
What restaurant do you love to eat at the most?
Logan’s Roadhouse
Food you refuse to eat?
Any pets?
Yes, a turtle named Moss. Big Moss the Boss. I also have a cat, named Millie, short for a Million, because she’s a million different colors.
Dream vacation spot?
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Pistachio Nut
Favorite book?
The Bible
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
What are you looking forward to the most by working at the Homewood Library?
I love the environment here. I like meeting lots of different people, especially the children.