National Squirrel Appreciation Day

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Yep, I know what you’re thinking…“National Squirrel Appreciation Day?!?”


National Squirrel Appreciation Day is an actual day!

A real day!

But here’s why!

In 2001, Christy Hargrove, who is an wildlife rehabilitation specialist, founded National Squirrel Appreciation in Asheville, North Carolina. Christy created this day to encourage people to build kind attitudes towards these animals! She wanted us as humans to looks at squirrels, not through the lenses of annoyance (even though I think they stop in the middle of the street on purpose…) or as pests, but as cute contributors to our environment!

“Celebration of the event itself is up to the individual or group — anything from putting out extra food for the squirrels to learning something new about the species.”

-Christy Hargrove

So to help you celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day, here at Homewood Public Library, we have so many books either about squirrel or books where the lead character is a squirrel!