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Great Books for 8th Graders

Is your 8th grader looking for a new book? We have piled a list of our favorite recommendations for 8th graders. Though the library is still closed, you can place these books on hold for your curbside appointment or through one of our digital libraries (just download the Hoopla and/or Libby apps!) Burn by Patrick Ness: Sarah Dewhurst…

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World Refugee Day – Teen Recommendations

In 2000, the UN established June 20 as World Refugee Day. This day allows us to shine a spotlight on the bravery, courage, and hardships of refugees. According to the UNCHR, more than 70 million refugees were displaced by the end of 2019. The Homewood Public Library would like to take today to highlight fiction…



According to the United Nations, “[e]very minute 20 people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror” and among these people are refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced person, stateless persons, and returnees (https://www.un.org/en/observances/refugee-day). On Saturday, June 20, 2020 we are celebrating them by highlighting children’s books for World Refugee Day. As we keep pushing…

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Para una información e Internet libres (Daudén, Campelo, Ritimo)

“Los límites del derecho a la libertad de expresión, tal como decíamos, comienzan a hacerse obvios en el transcurrir de los años 1960 y de los 1970 con la propagación y consolidación de los medios de comunicación de masas (sobre todo la televisión), que revolucionaron las dimensiones del fenómeno comunicacional y evidenciaron su inclinación multidireccional: no se es libre sólo emitiendo información sino también buscando, recibiendo y compartiéndola.” (L. Daudén)