STORYPALOOZA: At Home Storytime Guide

STORYPALOOZA: At Home Storytime Guide

Ms. Cristina is missing her Storypalooza friends and wanted to share stories and songs to do your own storytime at home! ACTION SONGS (use shakey eggs, maracas, tambourines, scarves, etc.): -“Everybody Clap” by Nancy Kopman -“The Shimmie Shake!” by The Wiggles -“Shake Break” by Pancake Manor -“Wiggy Wiggles Freeze Dance” by Hap Palmer -“I Like…

Learning From Home

Learning From Home

The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with amazing videos, activities, and games. Enjoy the tour! ✅Go on a geography adventure through the USA! ✅Tour Yellowstone National Park! ✅Explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover. ✅This Canadian site FarmFood 360 offers 11 Virtual Tours of farms from…

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E-Teen: Electronic Resources

Have some time on your hands but can’t make it to the library? Try one of our electronic streaming services. It’s easy! Hop into something comfy and grab your favorite electronic device – don’t your Homewood Public Library card! Visit our digital library today! Hoopla (Audiobooks, eBooks, Music and comic books) Hoopla is an innovative…



The topic of change and evolution.  Something we as humans are more than familiar with, so why read about it? Debating big ideas against the future, exploring the human condition, science fiction allows literature to explore the future further. Science fiction books can place humanity in situations it cannot or has not yet encountered, we…

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Historia de la publicidad — cultura de masas. (Baran y Sweezy)

“El verdadero peligro de la publicidad es que ayuda a hacer añicos y, en última instancia, destruye nuestra más preciada posesión inmaterial: la confianza en que existe un fin último significativo de la actividad humana y el respeto a la integridad del hombre.” (Baran y Sweezy)