Royal Reads
Love “the Crown” series? Find books inspired by the royal family.
Love “the Crown” series? Find books inspired by the royal family.
There are lots of new books hitting our shelves this February! We can’t possibly name them all in one list, but here are the ones at the top of the list. Feel free to click on the title or book cover to place your hold. Black Brother, Black Brother by Jewell Parker Rhodes Donte…
“I had reasoned this out in my mind; there was on of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other; for no man should take me alive.” ― Harriet Tubman February is Black History Month, where we take time to recognize African American…
de Ursula Huws
“KINDNESS IS THE LANGUAGE WHICH THE DEAF CAN HEAR AND THE BLIND CAN SEE” —Mark Twain My BFF and I went shopping. It was the middle of summer, and we decided to break at a popular shaved ice stand. It was blazing hot, and the line was a million people long. The thought of our…