Start Streaming Now!

Here at the Homewood Library, we make streaming media to your device even easier than checking out a book from our shelves. We currently offer streaming from services such as Overdrive and Hoopla, and now we’ve added Kanopy.  Kanopy is a way to stream documentaries and indie films under every topic imaginable. Just how many…

Stoke the Fire

Stoke the Fire

Confession, I’m not one to grill. In my family, there’s always a man with the spatula and skewers in his hand, and you’d be hard pressed to find a way to convince him to give up his place in front of the fire.  However, I don’t have to be manning the grill to enjoy the…


Informe Académico

Informe Académico proporciona acceso a periódicos y revistas especializadas de lengua española y portuguesa. La base de datos ofrece una amplia gama de contenidos sobre América Latina. (   Informe Académico provides access to Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines. The database offers a wide range of content both from and about Latin America….