From Scientific American: STEM Education Is Vital–but Not at the Expense of the Humanities
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From Scientific American: STEM Education Is Vital–but Not at the Expense of the Humanities

  “The need to teach both music theory and string theory is a necessity for the U.S. economy to continue as the preeminent leader in technological innovation. The unparalleled dynamism of Silicon Valley and Hollywood requires intimate ties that unite what scientist and novelist C. P. Snow called the “two cultures” of the arts and…

A best practice guide for IT security. Part I.

A best practice guide for information technology: 12 essential rules for securing your digital equipment. (Translated from: Guide des Bonnes Pratiques de l’informatique. 12 règles essentielles pour sécuriser vos équipements numériques.) ( Version 1.1.1 – Janvier 2017 20170111-1014. Licence Ouverte/Open Licence (Etalab – V1). Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’information. ANSSI – 51, boulevard…