Read Your Sign: Gemini

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Those born under the Gemini sign are known for their networking savvy, as well as for being fast-thinking, witty, and having a bit of a dual personality. Geminis are cheerful, loveable and enthusiastic! The books below have been chosen for you because they highlight Gemini traits. And the bonus book Sisterland is included because we obviously had to recommend a book about Twins!

Build Your Dream Network by J. Kelly Hoey – Gemini has an innate ability to be a networking super- connector. This book will help someone without ‘connections’ become a must-know influencer.

The Lying Life of Adults by Elena Ferrante  –  The Lying Life will make Mercurial Gemini think about where the truth lies in all matters, allowing them to question what is real and what is false in the tales we tell. 

The Martian by Andy Weir – Despite such a perilous situation of being stranded on Mars, Mark Watney’s humor and wit keep the pages turning. Geminis will appreciate the witty dialogue from beginning to end, as well as his ability to adapt to his situation. 

The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer – Alternatingly meditative, sexually explicit, side-splittingly hilarious, heart-wrenching, disturbing, passionately political, and always staggeringly authentic ride through the highs and lows of Gemini author Amy Schumer’s life to date. 

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson – A novella about an individual with two personas–one good and one evil. Since every Gemini is known for having two different sides in one, this would make the perfect read for them.

Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld- Gemini calls for a twin novel! Kate and her identical twin sister, Violet, were born with peculiar “senses”—innate psychic abilities concerning future events and other people’s secrets. Though Vi embraced her visions, Kate did her best to hide them. 

Looking for more? You can find a selection of Gemini authors available at Homewood Public Library on our Adult Services page.