Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week

September 18th-25th is dedicated to fighting censorship and supporting intellectual freedom. Since its beginning in 1982, the American Library Association (ALA) has collected data on cases wherein books are challenged to be removed from public spaces. Book banning attempts remain prevalent today with the most cases reported in 2021 since 2002. Below ALA has compiled…

Banned Books Week
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Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read which begin in 1982.  it is normally observed during the last week of September, and focuses on the value of free and open access to information. Listed below are some of the books that have been challenged in the past across the country….

Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day
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Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day

A powerful story of intersectionality and community, as well as race and privilege, this first book centers around a 16-year-old protagonist who moves between two different worlds- her home and her school- without much thought, until a horrific event leaves her considering her role in both. In the story, Starr witnesses the death of her…

Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day
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Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day

  The opening poem of the book comments on American life of the period with overt references to drugs, drinking, and homosexuality. More notable, though, was the style of writing, which was a stream-of-consciousness, intense prose that became the hallmark of what became known as Beat poetry and writing. Both the subject matter and the…

Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day
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Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day

Concerned with the imbalance between the individual and the state, as well as punishment and redemption, this dystopian novel was a dark satirical comment on morality and consequence, drug use, desensitization to violence, and youth in revolt. The novel has had numerous attempts at banning on the grounds of sexual violence. The film adaptation was…

Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day
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Banned Books Week: Trivia Question of the Day

A novel of teenage angst and rebellion, the story follows the reclusive protagonist over the course of a handful of days as he passionately comments and observes on both the beauty, as well as the hypocrisy of the world around him. Various reports have cited more than 30 challenges to this title, with a few…