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Acepto las Condiciones. Usos y abusos de las tecnologías digitales/Cristóbal Cobo.

“A través de la voz de diferentes expertos internacionales esta obra profundiza en cuestiones como: ¿qué hacer para revertir las actuales asimetrías de poder?, ¿quién observa a los que nos observan?, ¿podemos pensar en tecnologías con un enfoque (más) humano? …”

Democracy Now interviews Shoshana Zuboff: “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”, Part 2.
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Democracy Now interviews Shoshana Zuboff: “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”, Part 2.

“… These are data that are illegitimately taken from our lives, … without our permission, because it’s done without our knowledge, so we couldn’t possibly give our permission.” — “… private human experience is out of bounds… [and] is essential for a democratic society. It cannot be turned into a commodity…” (S. Zuboff)

Democracy Now interviews Shoshana Zuboff: “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”, Part 1.
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Democracy Now interviews Shoshana Zuboff: “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”, Part 1.

“… private surveillance capital has institutionalized asymmetries of knowledge unlike anything ever seen in human history. They know everything about us; we know almost nothing about them.” (S. Zuboff)