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Words of Wisdom (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

“We do not have to look very far to see the tragic consequences which develop when men worship the almighty dollar. First it causes men to be more concerned about making a living than making a life. This is the danger forever threatening our capitalistic economy which places so much emphasis on the profit motive under more or less competitive conditions.” (MLK)

Iconoclasm in the Netherlands, 16th century (S. Beranek)
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Iconoclasm in the Netherlands, 16th century (S. Beranek)

“The sixteenth century was a time of significant religious change. According to legend, in 1516, Luther nailed his 95 Theses to a church door in Wittenberg and criticized what he perceived as corrupt practices within the Catholic Church. Following Luther, numerous other Northern European reformers shifted away from the Catholic Church centered in Rome. Among other more systemic and doctrinal issues, the reformers also had complicated relationships with religious imagery.” (S. Beranek)

Black Voices: Memoirs

Black Voices: Memoirs

Here For It by R. Eric Thomas A humorist and playwright provides a heartfelt and humorous memoir-in–essays about growing up seeing the world differently, finding unexpected hope and every awkward, extraordinary stumble along the way. Rabbit by Patricia Williams with Jeannine Amber The popular comedian traces her youth in Atlanta’s most troubled neighborhood at the height…