Meet Paul, our newest HPL team member!

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If you’ve been in the Library lately, you’ve noticed some new faces! As we return to normal hours, we bought on a few new friendly faces, including Paul! Paul has had a long career in radio and is excited to venture into Library services. He is working part-time in our Circulation Department. We thought a lighthearted interview to introduce Paul was in order. Say hello the next time you see him at the Customer Service Desk.

Greatest accomplishment?
Personally, marrying my wife, Susan. Professionally, maintaining a top rated morning radio program for 18 years. 

If you could have a superpower what would it be?
The power of flight would be awesome.

Early riser or night owl? definitely an early riser.

What app is always running on your phone?
Weather radar. it let’s me know when to mow, and when it’s not such a good idea.

What’s the one thing that can instantly make you feel better?
Get togethers with family and old friends.

Favorite movie?
Changes by the week. This week it’s the Chaplin silent film from 1931. “City Lights”

Auburn or Alabama?
Gotta go with the dynasty. Roll Tide!!

Which Hogwarts House do you belong to?

Food you refuse to eat?

Any pets?
Susan and I are step-parents to the neighbor’s cat, Caesar.

Dream vacation spot?
Tipperary, Ireland..closer to home, Gulf Shores, AL

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip.

Last book you read?
“The Martian” (yes, the book the movie was made from)

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be in the radio business, and I did that for many years.

What are you looking forward to the most by working at the Homewood Library?
Getting to know the staff and the patrons.