Meet Rachel! Our newest HPL team member!

As the Homewood Public Library returns to normal hours, you’ll see several new faces around the Library. One of those new faces belongs to Rachel, who is joining our Teen Department. We thought a great way to introduce Rachel to Homewood is with some silly/serious questions. Be sure to say hello to Ms. Rachel the next time you are in the Teen Department!

Greatest accomplishment?
Seeing my art in print and on products on shelves.

If you could have a superpower what would it be?
Shapeshifting, that way I could have different colored hair all the time without bleaching it to death. 

Early riser or night owl?
Both, I don’t sleep very much. 

What app is always running on your phone?

What’s the one thing that can instantly make you feel better?
A ridiculously large iced coffee. I’m talking bucket sized. 

Favorite movie?
Moonstruck, with Cher and Nicholas Cage. 

Auburn or Alabama?
Ohio State, go Buckeyes!!

Which Hogwarts House do you belong to?

Food you refuse to eat?

Any pets?
Boschi (full name is Hieronymus Bosch “The Hallowed”), he’s a German shepherd-husky mix and he’s the biggest baby that’s ever lived. 

Dream vacation spot?

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Butter Pecan.

Last book you read?
“The Magic Fish” by Le Nguyen Trung. One of the best graphic novels I’ve ever read. 

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An ornithologist (bird scientist). Was preparing for that for about 15 years before a pivot to film, and then later to libraries. Who woulda thought?

What are you looking forward to the most by working at the Homewood Library?
Getting to be creative for a job; that’s always been a dream. 

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