Not Your Mama’s Book Club – July 2018: Finding Your Authentic Self with Andrea Mathews, LPC

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Tuesday, July 10, at 2p.m. in the Boardroom

Are you looking for a brand new kind of book club?

We think we have something you’ll enjoy.

Instead of all reading the same book and then discussing, you get to do it your way …

Read a book or an article, listen to a podcast or an interview, watch a documentary, or just bring your experiences or opinions and we will then discuss. Clearly, it is “not your Mama’s book club.” We usually meet on the first Tuesday of every month (except July & September we’ll meet on the second Tuesday) at the Boardroom.

 This month our topic is:  Finding Your Authentic Self with Guest Speaker Andrea Mathews, LPC –  Tuesday, July 10, at 2p.m. in the Boardroom

Join us as we welcome Andrea Mathews, a local psychotherapist, author and radio host, who will be speaking to us about how to find your authentic self. Being yourself seems self-explanatory: just wake up and do what you want to do, without following the crowds, without fear of judgment. That’s not how the world works, though. We tend to stifle our authentic selves to fit in without even realizing it. And doing so suppresses our creativity, ingenuity, and self-awareness.

In short, to root out your authentic self isn’t just about being honest, it’s also about being self-aware, becoming more humble, and taking feedback from others. It’s a hard, never ending process because your identity is constantly evolving. But the payoff is a happier, more creative self. Authenticity can lead to better coping skills, a stronger sense of self-worth, more confidence, and a higher likelihood to follow through on goals. Join us as Andrea supplies strategies for becoming your Authentic Self.


Check out these titles:

Letting Go of Good by Andrea Mathews

In Her Power: Reclaiming Your Authentic Self by Helene Lerner

Without a Mask by Avikal Costantino

Restoring My Soul by Andrea Mathews


letting go of goodin her powerwithout a maskrestoring my soul