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DH Coll. 5: The Public Library. Information Literacy and Democracy.

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The Public Library. Information Literacy and Democracy.


As with the DH digital library collection overall, the main theme for DH collection 5 is the person as value center in the technical-economic and democratic state. Civic literacy, critical information literacy, and the role of the public library in a democratic system are areas of particular interest.

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Articuler les dimensions constitutives de l’éducation aux médias. Normand Landry (fr)

Chris Hedges: The Pedagogy of Power. Chris Hedges (en)

Chronically honest: an autoethnographic paper on the experiences of a disabled librarian. Nikki Andersen (en)

Civic Humanism as a Foundation for Civic Literacy. Edward Eggleston (en)

Contra la información falsa, espíritu crítico. Divina Frau-Meigs (es)

Critical Digital Literacy: Technology in Education Beyond Issues of User Competence and Labour-Market Qualifications. Holger Pötzsch (en)

Cultural heritage, CH institutions, and the “economized West”: introductory notes and a text by Julien Demade. (en)


Developing a critical mind against fake news. Divina Frau-Meigs (en)

(Reseña) Divertirse hasta morir. El discurso público en la era del “show business”, por Neil Postman. Camilo Montealegre (es)

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. ACRL (en)

O impacto da tecnologia de informação e comunicação nas bibliotecas públicas: envolvimento comunitário, criatividade e inovação. Ana Ligia Medeiros, Gilda Olinto. (pt)

Información y participación ciudadana en el contexto del gobierno abierto: las potencialidades de la biblioteca pública. Alejandro Ramos Chávez (es)

“Information Has Value”: The Political Economy of Information Capitalism. Dave Ellenwood (en)


The Journalistic Approach: Evaluating Web Sources in an Age of Mass Disinformation. Victoria Elmwood (en)

Mediensozialisation. Alexandra C. Roth (de)

“A most mischievous word”: Neil Postman’s approach to propaganda education. Renee Hobbs (en)


On arches and stones, places and experiments: Public libraries and democratic society. Lúcia Maciel Barbosa de Oliveira (en)

Participation in a datafied environment: questions about data literacy. Miren Gutiérrez (en)

The promise of media literacy education when “everything is at stake” and “everything is expected”. Monica Bulger, Gina Baleria, Renee Hobbs, and Kimberly R. Moffitt (en)

Le référentiel « cinq piliers de la maîtrise de l’information scientifique » : élaboration et construction de l’outil. Bernard Pochet, Nancy Durieux, Caroline Collette, Sara Decoster, Mélodie Dieudonné et Sandrina Vandenput (fr)

A responsabilidade social dos bibliotecários em bibliotecas públicas – dimensões e ações. Fernanda Bernardo Ferreira e Sandra de Albuquerque Siebra (pt)


Studying Media AS Media: McLuhan and the Media Ecology Approach. Lance Strate (en)

Technological disruption and democracy in the twenty-first century. Felipe Arocena, Sebastián Sansone, and Nicolás Alvarez (en)

Threshold-Konzepte, das ANCIL-Curriculum und die Metaliteracy – Überlegungen zu Konsequenzen für die Förderung von Informationskompetenz in deutschen Hochschulen. Wilfried Sühl-Strohmenger (de)

Unpacking and overcoming “edutainment” in library instruction. Sarah Polkinghorne (en)



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