Forgotten Alabama

Forgotten Alabama

-I think a lot while on the road. For the most part, I have little human contact but, this being Alabama and all, I’m never really alone. –Glenn Willis Author/photographer Glenn Wills spent over 30 years and half a million miles travelling for TV news and spinning his wheels through the state of Alabama.  He…

In support of balanced education and citizenship: An article series. No. 2.

In support of balanced education and citizenship: An article series. No. 2.

  (Article No. 2) Remarks on the influence of materialism.     by Edward Eggleston “No farmer is more slave to his plow, than a gentleman following the clock of fashion”.     — W.H. Auden, “The Rake’s Progress” … And so we express our “freedom”: by an increasing economic servitude. A few prefatory comments…

In support of balanced education and citizenship: An article series. No. 1.
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In support of balanced education and citizenship: An article series. No. 1.

(Series explanation. An educational model excessively governed by business, science, and technology subjects is inadequate and unbalanced, despite the gloss of “modern progress”. The reduction (or even elimination) of humanistic studies deserves serious attention. The long term effects of such educational policies, carried out by various institutions, will be immense. In view of the scale…

  Do you love to eat? Love checking out cookbooks? Enjoy trying new recipes? The Adult Department at the Homewood Public Library currently hosts a monthly recipe club. Every month a new theme will be chosen and each attendee will make a dish based on that month’s theme. Thus far, we have showcased everything from…