YA Hispanic/Latinx Writers
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YA Hispanic/Latinx Writers

This blog highlights Hispanic/Latinx writers. What is the difference between ‘Hispanic’ and ‘Latinx” anyway? It can be confusing! Latinx is a term that describes someone who comes from or whose family comes from Central American or South America. Not all countries in Central and South America speak Spanish – some speak French, Portuguese – even…

Watch What you Read: Emmy’s 2021
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Watch What you Read: Emmy’s 2021

Adaptations are always fascinating. It can be amazing to see how a story is taken from its original format, in this case, books, and is then reconstructed in a whole new sphere of entertainment! It’s even more exciting when those adaptations have the chance to win their own awards. The 2021 Emmy awards will air…

Pirates in YA Titles

Pirates in YA Titles

Ahoy! Avast ye, readers, September 19th be Talk Like a Pirate Day! Along wit’ speakin’ in the pirate code, how about ye check out some o’ the titles in our Teen Department involvin’ pirates? While dead men tell no tales, these authors certainly deliver tales any pirate be sure to enjoy. Savvy? All the Stars…