IT capitalism [1]: economy (G. Lins Ribeiro)

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“A more sophisticated understanding of intellectual cooperation and innovation calls for the understanding of great sociological, economic, political and technological forces surrounding them. In this essay, I discuss the hegemony of electronic-computer capitalism and the changes it provokes in economic, academic and political life, in order to situate in a larger context the issues and challenges we currently face.” (G. Lins Ribeiro)

Aprovechar al máximo la inteligencia artificial (A. Azoulay)

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“Es nuestra responsabilidad llevar a cabo un debate universal e informado, a fin de entrar en esta nueva era con los ojos bien abiertos, sin sacrificar nuestros propios valores y poder lograr, si los Estados miembros lo desean, un conjunto común de principios éticos” (A. Azoulay)

[4] Humanistic futures of learning (UNESCO)

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“The author draws attention to the growing trend of private tutoring external to formal education systems (i.e. ‘shadow education’) that is impacting traditional education in myriad ways. He advises that policy-makers and education stakeholders determine the scope of this supplementary intervention and understand its impact to better shape the inevitable overlaps of these two domains.”

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