Meet Tisha, our newest HPL staff member!

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Tisha George joins the Homewood Public Library family as our newest staff member! Tisha is working part time in our Adult Department, where she can put all her library experience to perfect use. We wanted you to get to know Tisha with some silly Q&As. Feel free to say hello when you see her in the library!

Greatest accomplishment? My children. I think they have turned out pretty spectacular and although that really is all them, I feel like I can claim some responsibility.

If you could have a superpower what would it be? I am always torn at that question. It would either be the power to fly or become invisible.

Early riser or night owl? Early riser, definitely.

What app is always running on your phone? I usually don’t leave apps running on my phone. But the two that I seem to use the most would have to be Pandora and Podcasts.

How did you end up in Birmingham, AL? I have a wandering spirit and move around a lot, but I am always drawn back to Birmingham. I have left and returned 7 times. I credit that mostly due family that lives here, but also to the city- especially its FOOD J

Favorite movie?Can’t answer that. I have waaaay too many favorites to narrow it down to even 10.

Auburn or Alabama? War Eagle!

Which Hogwarts House do you belong to? Gryffindor. Mostly because I really can relate to the character of Hermione. I love to study and read, am a champion for equality, and not just for house elves, and (usually) am a stickler for the rules.

Celebrity crush? Gregory Peck. Benicio Del Toro. Adrian Brody.

Any pets? That depends on the day you ask. Today we have 4 dogs and 3 cats.

Dream vacation spot? Europe in general or, if I had to choose one spot, it would be the glass igloos in Finland: Kakslauttanen.

Favorite ice cream flavor? Always chocolate.

Last book you read? Well, currently I am reading The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern, and At Home: A Short History of Private Life by Bill Bryson.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Indiana Jones. Or anyone whose job it was to investigate folklore and mysteries, such as the Bermuda Triangle and the Loch Ness.

What are you looking forward to the most at the Homewood Library? My children and I have been coming to Homewood Library for years and I am so excited to be working here. I think the things I am looking forward to the most are both learning all about Adult Services, as well as being a part of it.